
Course Details | |
Course Code | 22 |
Course Duration | 2 year |
Two year B.S.T.C Course (50 Seats) is being run in the Sanskar International MahilaShikshakShikhsaMahavidyalaya. According to the norms of Directorate of Primary Education of state Govt., B.S.T.C I st Year Syllabus are Educational Theory and Education Modern India.
Educational Psychology, Mother Tongue & Language Teaching (Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Gujrati, Punjabi) Teaching of English, Teaching of Mathematics, Environmental Studies (Social, Physical and Pedagogical Teaching),Teaching of Health and Physical Education, Teaching of Arts Education.
Practical Work:
(1) Health and Physical Education
(2) Art Education. B.S.T.C. IInd Year Syllabus are School Administration and Educational Innovations, Mother Tongue/Language Teaching (Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Gujrathi, Punjabi),Teaching of English. Third Language Teaching, Teaching of Mathematics, Teaching of Social Science Teaching of Science Teaching of work Experience Education.
For more information visit:
Practical Work:
• Work Experience
• Life Value Education.
Bstc fee 16555/- per year